I hesitated a bit over whether to run today, then decided to, so headed out a bit later than optimal, but it was still morning and thanks to morning clouds, only 17C, which is perfectly cromulent for running. The sun briefly appeared midway through the run, which was actually sort of bad, because the humidity was still 78% and it would have made the run kind of soupy. But it was mostly cloudy, with a nice breeze blowing.
I started out by the Jiffy John™, after using it to make sure I was BladderSafe™ for the run, which meant I conveniently ended my run right by the intersection of the Spruce and Conifer Loops. I’m not sure why this is convenient, actually. Maybe it just appeals to the OCD in me.
I had two false starts, which probably contributed to my low 148 BPM average. The first around the 100 m mark when I paused to answer a text message (I very rarely do this, but since I had literally been running for less than a minute, I chose to), and another about three-and-a-half minutes in. This was snake #1. I haven’t gotten any decent shots of snakes this year, so when this one didn’t immediately slither away, I paused my run to take a photo. It then slithered away before I could get closer. (Snake #2 appeared in the middle of the Piper Mill Trail when I short-turned and was heading back. It was completely unconcerned by my presence. I’m pretty sure I could have taken close-ups from multiple angles, and it would have just laid there, content on the warming gravel. For a brief moment I considered stopping, but I was 3.5 km in at that point and momentum would not be denied.)
These two pauses allowed my heart rate to come down briefly. Enough to affect the overall average? Maybe? But probably only a little. I think I would have been around 150 regardless, conditions were good, and it’s entirely possible I’m getting in better shape!
Speaking of good, the knees didn’t bother me at all. The left hip was even mostly quiet. It was probably the most pleasant run, leg-wise, in several months. The knees did feel a little stiff on the walk back, but feel fine now as I type this. I am cautiously optimistic.
Overall, this run went better than expected. I always feel a little nervous when that happens, but we’ll see what Wednesday brings.

Run 807 Average pace: 5:46/km Training status: Maintaining Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW, short loop) Start: 10:53 a.m. Distance: 5.03 km Time: 29:03 Weather: Partly sunny Temp: 17-18ºC Humidity: 78% Wind: light BPM: 148 Weight: 167.3 Total distance to date: 5915 km Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation) Shoes: HOKA Speedgoat 5 (50/95/145 km)