Walk 129: Unplanned and mostly dry

Brunette River, pre-walk. Brightness before the next storm.

I went out to stretch my legs this afternoon and ended up walking to the lake. Since I was there, I figured why not make it an exercise walk coming back. So I did.

Since I wasn’t dressed for running, I didn’t do any running, but as a strict walk, my pace was pretty perky at 9:00/km. The weather was mild and cloudy, and it seems I just beat the incipient showers by the time I got back.

I took a lot of photos on the way to the lake, where I found the water fountain has been locked up for the winter (and probably a good chunk of early spring, if history repeats), but there were still some nice leaves here and there providing colour.

In all, a pleasant and unexpected bit of exercise.


Walk 129
Average pace: 9:00/km

Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 4.02 km
Time: 36:14
Weather: Cloudy
Temp: 9°C
Humidity: 84%
Wind: low
BPM: 114
Weight: 168.6 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 926.94 km

Walk 127 and 128: Working through the laziness

Brunetter River, on the first leg: Remebering what blue sky looks like.

Yesterday was a run day, but I didn’t run, because the weather was poop. Not literal poop, though these days I don’t entirely rule out that possibility.

I contemplated doing a workout on the treadmill, but instead I just lazed around, stuffed my face, and finally barely hit my 10,000-step goal around 9:30 p.m.

I resolved to do better today and planned a walk to at least the end of the river trail and back. I ended up going to the lake and split the walk in two, which turned out to be handy, as each leg was quite different.

The first walk was brisk, with an overall pace of just under nine minutes per km. I felt perky, but had to use the loo when I got to the lake, so I declared the first walk done at 4.02 km.

After sipping some water at the fountain by the dam (still nort packed up for the winter yet, to my surprise[though it has been pretty mild[), I started off again, but upon reaching the river trail, I found myself wanting to run and I ran most of the way back from there, coming in with what amounts to a very slow running pace of 6:50/km. I had one km of pure running that was 5:44/km–not bad for a non-run!

Overall, with the mild conditions, gentle breeze and patchy blue sky, it was nice to get out and get some exercise in. Even the river was less stinky than it has been lately.

Tomorrow, I should do a proper run.

About 2.5 km upstream from the above shot: Two gates open at the dam as the Brunette begins its journey east. Fish ladder on the left.


Walk 127
Average pace: 8:57/km

Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 4.02 km
Time: 35:58
Weather: Cloudy
Temp: 10°C
Humidity: 84%
Wind: low
BPM: 116
Weight: 167.3 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 922.91 km


Walk 128
Average pace: 6:50/km

Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 4.03 km
Time: 27:32
Weather: Cloudy
Temp: 11°C
Humidity: 82%
Wind: low
BPM: 133
Weight: 167.3 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 922.91 km

Walk 126: The wind beneath my everything

Brunette River: Very high. The sky is blue, but the wind was ripping.

Today was supposed to be a run day. I waited as a few morning showers passed, with the promise of better weather later. The better weather emerged, with actual sunshine. Yay! I changed and headed out.

As I headed out, I realized the high winds of the previous night’s storm were still rather high. I secured my cap and continued off to the lake, observing the ground for debris to see if I might need to reconsider.

I spied one large-ish branch down in Hume Park (photo below). This raised an eyebrow. I pressed on.

I could not avoid being in the shot. Enjoy! Also, this was tiny compared to other tree parts I saw later.

At Lower Hume, a very large tree was laying across the roadway. I opted not to take a photo because of the three workers already doing their part to remove it. I wish I had because by the time I returned, they had already cleared almost all of it away. It was, as mentioned, a very large tree. This caused both eyebrows to raise up.

When I got to the river trail, it was not as festooned with debris as expected. I cautiously started down and as I neared a bend by The Old Tree Bridge (years ago a giant tree fell across the river and was so tall it formed a bridge across the river that remains to this day. It’s not a very good bridge, as the other side is just a sheer wall you can’t climb up or anything), I heard a loud crack, then another. I stopped and looked about. I couldn’t see the source and continued on.

But I thought I recognized the sound–wood breaking or snapping.

I got to where one of the famously leaning trees was famously leaning, but now also swaying ominously. I pondered questions like, If it started to fall, how much time would I have to react and get out of the way? Do you feel lucky, punk? And others.

At this point, I felt the health benefits of not getting clobbered by a tree outweighed the health benefits of a run, so I turned back. A few minutes later I heard more cracks, looked to my left, and watched as several large branches snapped off another very large tree and tumbled to the ground. I kind of jogged out the rest of the way, so I did get a run of sorts after all.

I will try again Wednesday, when the risk of being bonked by nature should hopefully be lower.


Walk 126
Average pace: 8:51/km

Location: Brunette River trail
Distance: 4.71 km
Time: 41:39
Weather: Sun
Temp: 11°C (feels like 5C)
Humidity: 70%
Wind: high to extreme
BPM: 110
Weight: 167.7 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 922.91 km

Walk 125: Bear with me

Brunette River, shortly into the walk.

I decided I needed to get out and touch trees, so I dressed for a run, not really planning to run, but better to be prepared. I didn’t really prepare as well as I should, because I opted to not wear sunblock, though fortunately that didn’t come back to burn me, as there was lots of shade and the sun was often diffused by what seemed to be encroaching (though still relatively light) smoke haze.

When I got to the lake, I had to use the loo, then decided after to stretch the walk from 8 km to 10, but miscalculated and ended up stretching to 11 by completing the full Spruce/Conifer Loop before starting back homeward. On the way back I started listening to music, which put some pep in my step.

I was about 500 meters or so from the entrance to the river trail at North Road, and roughly 2 km from home when I rounded a corner and spied a large black bear up the trail ahead of me. When I say large, I mean big enough to probably swat me dead with one good swipe of its salmon-fresh paws, just like in the movie Grizzly, which traumatized me in 1976 (and was also very stupid, but also awesome to 12-year-old me).

The bear seemed more interested in its general vicinity, so I was able to discreetly backpedal around the bend without it seeing me, after which I jogged a safe distance away, to contemplate next steps.

As it turns out, a short time later, a cycling couple came by. I flagged them down, they confirmed the bear, but said it was wandering off and was likely now gone. Did I feel lucky? I called Jeff and this allowed me to “make noise” by talking to him while I cautiously walked forward. Eventually I came across a couple walking and did not notice a bear chasing them, which was a good sign. I asked them about the bear and they laughed and said probably the only English they knew, which was, “Sorry, we don’t speak English.” Fair enough. I was pretty close to the North Road exit now, so continued on, bear-free.

As for the actual walk, some running, but not a lot, and more than I’d expected, because I hadn’t built-in “jogging a safe distance away from a giant bear” into the outing. It was warm and a bit muggy, but not too bad in the shade. The light had that weird yellow cast to it that said smoke haze was probably rolling through.

Overall, I was glad to get out, glad to not get eaten by a giant bear, and will be relieved when the bears go off to hibernate for the winter, so I only have to worry about rogue coyotes or maybe especially squirrelly squirrels.

NOTE: I very briefly thought about taking a photo of the bear, but figured it made more sense to move back, since it hadn’t noticed me. I’d like to think that was my version of some kind of survival instinct.

Graffiti on the No. 1 Highway overpass. Also what I got after seeing the black bear.
Walk 125
Average pace: 8:09/km

Location: Brunette River trail/Burnaby Lake
Distance: 11:02 km
Time: 1:40:53
Weather: Sunny with haze
Temp: 27-28°C
Humidity: 58-55%
Wind: light
BPM: 113
Weight: 166.9 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 918.2 km

Walk 124: Extra run time

Brunette River: Showers imminent.

I am writing this a day late because I remembered that I hadn’t posted just as I was heading for bed, and bed won.

But! I normally run Mondays and still felt iffy on doing a full run again with The Knee. So I settled on a brisk walk-run to the turtle nesting area at Burnaby Lake and back.

The weather was gloomy, but mild–20C, with occasional light showers. It did not feel cold at all.

I walked to the lake, then detoured to the fountain, then immediately detoured again because apparently drinking water immediately kicked in my “Gotta go!” reflex. By this point I was well past the 4K mark, so I walked up the trail a bit to make it an even 5K before turning around and heading back.

Then, perhaps invigorated by the water (in my body and falling on me) when I hit the 6K mark on the river trail, I began to ran and ran two full km, each at the same pace of 5:39/km. I kept running through Lower Hume Park to finish out at 9 km total.

My right knee survived. The way I would describe the affected bits is a little tightness, not pain or achiness. So I think I’ll be OK (ho ho).

I’ll try a real run™ again on Wednesday. The weather is back to more summer-like now, but it should be cooler in the morning.


Walk 124
Average pace: 8:09/km

Location: Brunette River trail/Burnaby Lake
Distance: 9:02 km
Time: 1:13:26
Weather: Clouds and light showers
Temp: 20°C
Humidity: 76%
Wind: light
BPM: 124
Weight: 166.8 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 907 km

Walks 122 and 123: Here comes the rain again

Brunette River, pre-run: Gray ‘n gloomy.

Although to be fair, it was a fairly light drizzle. But we’ve had enough precipitation that the FIRE DANGER signs are now gone (for now, possibly until next summer).

Today is normally a run day, but I was not feeling very enthused about going out, partly because of the showery weather, and partly because I didn’t want to risk hurting the right knee, which is mostly feeling okay after a few days of rest.

In the end, I compromised by doing a brisk pair of walks, to the lake and back. There was pretty much no real running, save for a few brief moments here and there, but I maintained a pretty good pace on the way back.

The first walk was dry, but it began to rain very lightly on the way back. As it was still 19C, it didn’t feel cold or anything. It was nice to not have to slather all my exposed skin with sunblock before heading out.

As expected, it was fairly quiet due to the weather, though I did encounter a few other joggers and dog walkers (with leashed dogs, woo).

I might try a run tomorrow (Saturday) or may just wait till my next usual run day on Monday. I shall ponder.

I will not be running, however, on Sunday (the 25th):

“You can totally still stroll on the trail, just be ready to share it with 400 other people all at once.”
Walk 122 and 123
Average pace: 9:26 and 8:51/km

Location: Brunette River trail/Burnaby Lake
Distance: 4.01 km/4.03 km
Time: 37:51/35:36
Weather: Clouds and light showers
Temp: 19°C
Humidity: 80%
Wind: light
BPM: 113/114
Weight: 166.1 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 897.98 km

Walk 122: Cloudy and stinky

Brunette River, near the start of the walk.

I am determined to exercise every day. Every day!

I surprised myself today by going out and doing just that. I even rank a lot more than I expected. I just felt good, because it was cloudy and cooler (but not cool).

There was one off-leash dog (boo) but it stayed clear of me (yay). There was also some weird little mouse of some sort. I took a few photos of it (see below).

Also, when I got home, we had no hot water (boo).

Otherwise, a nice hour or so out touching trees and moving the legs.

This little mouse (with white belly) was running around on the river trail, unperturbed by my presence. Leaves coincidentally provided for scale.


Walk 121
Average pace: 8:34/km

Location: Brunette River trail/Burnaby Lake
Distance: 8.03 km
Time: 1:08:50
Weather: Cloudy
Temp: 19-20°C
Humidity: 76-73%
Wind: light
BPM: 121
Weight: 167.5 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 889.94 km

Walk 121: Calm before the storm

Brunette River, early in the walk. Still lush ‘n green.

After a regular week of running, my first walk-as-exercise involved little running, but a wee bit here and there. Mostly I wanted to get out, get some fresh air, stretch my legs, and touch trees.

I did these things.

It was 27-28C, but not overly unpleasant. The walk to the lake and back still affords a lot of canopy/shade.

There were no dogs off-leash, which is weird! I don’t think I saw any on the river trail, which is also kind of weird for a Saturday.

Also weird: Apparently someone spotted a bobcat or lynx at Burnaby Lake (as I did back in 2017), as the cat sign has appeared at the lake. AFAIK, it only goes up when there is an actual sighting:

Leash your pet, then hope it does not get eaten by a bear or wild cat.

Overall, a fine outing. Now I can eat an entire chocolate cake as reward!


Walk 121
Average pace: 9:12/km

Location: Brunette River trail/Burnaby Lake
Distance: 8.03 km
Time: 1:13:46
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 27-28°C
Humidity: 56%
Wind: light
BPM: 111
Weight: 166.9 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 881.91 km

Walk 120: Made in the shade

River trail, around the 2 km mark.

After several days of general loafing and skipping Friday’s run because my watch said so, I did an 8K walk/run today, with lots of running.

Surprisingly, despite the temperature feeling like 30C, it didn’t feel overly oppressive, thanks to a combination of a decent breeze and plenty of shade (the good kind of shade). The river trail was not very busy, perhaps because of my late afternoon start, but this also meant no dogs, which also means no dogs off leash. Woo.

Other than that, it was fine. I ran probably 3/4 of the way back and felt good. I had a sort of pleasant loping pace going.


Walk 120
Average pace: 8:16/km

Location: Brunette River trail/Burnaby Lake
Distance: 8.02 km
Time: 1:06:18
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 28-27°C
Humidity: 48-50%
Wind: light
BPM: 129
Weight: 167.2 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 873.88 km

Walk 118 and 119: Search for the vengeful tree root

I am determined to exercise in some way every day, so late this morning I went out for walkies.

The summer weather has returned after a few days of intermittent showers and clouds, so it was already 26C when I headed out, and a bit humid. I kept up a brisk pace for the 4K walk to Burnaby Lake. When I got there, I decided to walk the approximate 2 km up the trail to find the nefarious tree root that I tripped on in a recent run. I set off, knowing the approximate location.

As I approached the area, I slowed and started scrutinizing the ground. At one point I even caught my toe on something. A-ha! I looked intently at the ground and could not find what I had snagged my toe on. I guess it was just a bump or something. It felt like it was too early for the tree root, so I pressed on. I observed that this area is perfect for nefarious tree roots, as there is a lot of canopy–ergo, shade–but the sun also pokes through in lots of areas, creating a dappled pattern that makes the ground hard to read.

I could not find the root.

I did find a large, smooth stone protruding a bit out of the trail, so it’s possible my foot happened to snag on it at just the right angle, but it feels like it’s a little too close to the middle of the trail, and I always run on the right. But maybe.

I walked to the bridge with the 8K marker and headed back, completing a second walk of 6 km and a very brisk pace of 9:01/km. I sweated a bit! It was nice to be out and touch trees, but not trip on them.


Walk 118 and 119
Average pace: 9:09 and 9:01/km

Location: Brunette River trail/Burnaby Lake
Distance: 4.02 and 6.02 km
Time: 36:43 and 54:15
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 26-28°C
Humidity: 59-55%
Wind: light
BPM: 118 and 119
Weight: 166.6 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 865.86 km

Walk 116 and 117: Some like it hot (not especially me)

View of Burnaby Lake just west of Cariboo Dam, between walks.

A little slower today, but also a fair bit warmer and drier. I surprised myself by doing as much running as I did on the second walk.

Mr right ankle felt a bit stiff/janky at times when running, probably from lack of use. 😛 I did remember to stretch before heading out, though!

Being a Saturday, there were oodles of people at Hume Park, enjoying the pool, the shade and possibly alcohol, which can now be consumed in specific areas. Kids on swing sets on one side, drunk adults belching creatively on the other.

The river trail was relatively quiet, though, probably due to the heat (I did not pick an optimal time to go out), with no other joggers and no dogs at all. It was kind of nice.

Anyway, my steps are complete for another day.


Walk 116 and 117
Average pace: 9:32 and 8:30/km

Location: Brunette River trail/Burnaby Lake
Distance: 4.02 and 4.04 km
Time: 38:17 and 34:19
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 29-30°C
Humidity: 45-42%
Wind: light
BPM: 113 and 121
Weight: 167.0 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 855.82 km

Walk 114 and 115

View of Brunette River, during the first walk.

After missing yesterday’s run due to a toothache, I decided I needed some kind of exercise today, even though the tooth is still kind of hurting (I go to the dentists tomorrow).

I left late morning to avoid Xtreme Heat, and it was fine, with a nice breeze blowing. There were some off-leash dogs on the river trail, but fortunately well-behaved. There were no other incidents of note, and the walks were much like the previous–strictly walking on the way to the lake, with a good mix of walking and running on the way back. I felt fine and my mouth cooperated enough that it didn’t distract me.

And that’s about it!

The ever turtle-free Turtle Nesting Area, before starting back from Burnaby Lake.


Walk 114 and 115
Average pace: 9:13 and 8:19/km

Location: Brunette River trail/Burnaby Lake
Distance: 4.02 and 4.03 km
Time: 37:01 and 33:32
Weather: Sunny
Temp: 23-25°C
Humidity: 60-62%
Wind: light
BPM: 121 and 129
Weight: 167.4 pounds
Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255
Total distance to date: 847.76 km