Sometimes when I sit down to write something on this ol’ blog, I do it early in the evening, when I’m just arrived home from work or shortly after dinner, when I am full, content and still reasonably alert. Occasionally I will post during lunch, if I’m feeling especially zany. I do not very often feel especially zany.
More often than I would like I post later in the evening. For example, right now it is 10:47 p.m. and after writing this post I will be off to bed and a night stuffed full of weird dreams, as has been the case of late. The reason I say more often than I would like is if I put off my blog entry until the end of the evening I find my mind has gone mushy and I sometimes stare at the blinking cursor and the only thought that comes to me is, “That cursor sure is blinking there.” And so I post an amusing cat image, because there are about 640 million of them to he had on the web. Cat images easy, writing a semi-intelligent blog post late at night hard.
I should soon have more to say regarding my writing, however, and who knows, eventually I may even resume running and have updates on that. There’s probably a spambot out there somewhere just itching for me to mention running shoes by brand name again, hoping to get in a helpful comment (and link) to some amazingly affordable knockoffs and/or male enhancement pills.