Run 708: Actual clouds! A mere 18C! Weird right foot!

The weather finally changed today, giving me a break from my least favorite combo of heat and humidity.

It was a mere 18C and cloudy, with even the very slightest bit of drizzle around the 7K mark. It was refreshing! Even with the humidity at 78%, it was still fine. In fact, I sweated very little after the first half, thanks to the cooler conditions and a nice breeze.

The hip was present for the back half of the run, but it wasn’t exactly sore, more just there. More annoying was the right foot mentioned in the title–right near the start pf the run and until some point between the second and third km, the sole was hurting in some weird way, kind of like an arthritic kind of pain when I stepped on it. It wasn’t hugely hurting or anything, just random and annoying, as I’ve never had issues with the right foot. It went away and after that was back to normal.

The body is weird.

Speaking of weird, I decided to skip the side trail since I started back of the zero marker and because the sun wasn’t going to be beating down on me. However, after having a woman with a stroller suddenly push the stroller directly into my path at the last moment (she apologized as I deked around) and a couple with a dog mildly freaked on my approach, forcing me to awkwardly run between them, I abandoned the plan and cut up the newly-resurfaced connector trail that leads to the Conifer Loop, then stuck to that. I also stayed on the Piper Mill Trail. I’ve learned my lesson in experimenting!

And speaking of experiments, two kids were on a bike midway between the 6-7K mark, careening all over the place and laughing. I told them bikes weren’t allowed on the trail as I ran by, annoyed. I could clearly see their drunken path in the dusty trail right by the sandwich board that says NO CYCLING. I hope they rode the bike into the bush, punctured both tires, fell into a giant bush of poison ivy, then had a deer pee on them. Sure, I’ve never seen deer at Burnaby Lake, but this is my fantasy, so deer it is.

As for the run, my energy level was much higher thanks to the more favorable conditions, so I finished the full 10K without issue. I did flag a bit at the 7K and 8K marks, but picked up after that to finish with a pace of 5:57/km for the last stretch and an overall pace of 6:06/km, which is perfectly cromulent (and matches my 5K-shoulda-been-10K on Wednesday).

Overall, a nice way to end the week.


Run 708
Average pace: 6:06/km
Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW)
Start: 10:36 a.m.
Distance: 10.03 km
Time: 61:18
Weather: Cloudy
Temp: 18ºC
Humidity: 78%
Wind: light
BPM: 152
Weight: 160.4
Total distance to date: 5197 km
Devices: Apple Watch Series 5, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation)
Shoes: Brooks Caldera 5 (305 km)

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