Another run in The Rains, though it eased up to more of a sprinkle for the last two km, at least.
It was also a bit chillier at 6C, but I found I didn’t need to tuck my hands in at the start to keep them warm.
As for puddles, they were legion. The trail around the athletic fields was a series of equally bad choices. I went onto the field but it was so sodden it made no difference. My feet got wet.
I once again chose to keep a more moderate pace and finished slightly faster than Friday, but without the silly turboboost at the end, because this time no one passed me. In fact, I didn’t see anyone else out running, just a few people walking, some with dogs, some without. The trail was the lightest I’ve seen in some time, which is not surprising given how poopy the weather was.
In the final km, the left hip said hi, but that was all. The shins also seemed to hold up fine when I was dishing out the most punishment when going up or downhill. My pace varied quite a bit. My start was a bit sluggish, as I felt tired after a lousy night of sleep, with the second km coming in at 6:04/km, but by the Cottonwood Trail I had both eased my pace and cruised to a pace of 5:46/km. I ended with 5:55/km, which is perfectly fine. BPM ticked up slightly to 153, also fine.
I also figured out what the cryptic 4.02 alerts are, as they do indeed come up at the 4 and 8K marks. Why, you might ask? Isn’t 4K kind of random? It is! Until you convert to imperial, where it comes out as 2.5 miles, which may be one of the standard intervals. Why it would get converted to metric and shown to me when I’m running 5 or 10K runs, I don’t know, but at least I know what it is now. Maybe I can turn it off.
Overall, a perfectly cromulent run. I am hoping the next one will be a bit drier, but…

Run 745 Average pace: 5:55/km Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW) Start: 9:51 a.m. Distance: 10.04 km Time: 59:25 Weather: Rain Temp: 6ºC Humidity: 97% Wind: low BPM: 153 Weight: 163.4 Total distance to date: 5520 km Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation) Shoes: Saucony Peregrine 12 (192 km)