Today the plan was another Mellow Run™ and that is what I did!
First, I had to face a potential UBB (Unplanned Bathroom Break), but fortunately I got to the Jiffy John in time, and it was not occupied. The number of times it is occupied in the summer months may surprise you.
After taking care of business, I backed up all the way to the south side of the dam and started my run clockwise. Despite being a Friday, I didn’t encounter a lot of other runners, though a few people were out walking. Weather-wise, it was a bit chilly, but the clouds gave way to partly sunny skies about halfway through the run.
The “strobing” effect the sun produces in the winter when jogging along the Cottonwood Trail was not an issue today, thanks to my overall slower pace. It turns out that all you need to do is not run as fast, and the flicking light doesn’t flick as much. Who knew? Probably most people. And now I do, too!
No real complications on this run. Stamina-wise I felt pretty good, though my legs felt a wee bit tired by about the mid-point. I worked through it and the back half of the run felt like it went by pretty quickly. Probably the biggest complication came when I tried to adjust the music playback through the Garmin Forerunner. I pressed the lower right button (wrong) and this seemed to set an interval? I clicked a few more times, hoping to cancel (this is normally the “back” button) and set a whole bunch of intervals. What this meant is that while my run was still being tracked, it was no longer alerting me at 1 km intervals as it normally would. I felt kind of dumb for trying to do something when I obviously did not recall how. Let this be a lesson, kids. Runs are no place for experiments with your technology!
Anyway, I hot pretty close to my target BPM of 150, coming in at 151 and a perfectly fine pace of 5:57/km. It even said I should be ready to go by Monday, which is when I will be running next!
Run 747 Average pace: 5:57/km Location: Burnaby Lake (CW) Start: 11:50 a.m. Distance: 10.01 km Time: 59:36 Weather: Partly sunny Temp: 5-6ºC Humidity: 92% Wind: low BPM: 151 Weight: 162.2 Total distance to date: 5535 km Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation) Shoes: Saucony Peregrine 12 (207 km)