I wore three layers up top and my running pants and did not feel overdressed at all.
It also stayed below freezing for the entire run, starting at -3C and only warming up slightly over the course of my jog.
Despite the frosty conditions (I earned the Frosty badge on my Garmin Forerunner for my first sub-freezing walk), I didn’t experience any issues during the run. At first, I didn’t pay much attention to my BPM, just going with what felt right and assuming that it might track a little higher due to the cold. It did, but only by a very minor amount, coming in at 152 BPM and a pace of 5:56/km, which equals Friday’s pace when it was 11 degrees warmer.
The only real complication was the cold tends to agitate my WSB (World’s Smallest Bladder) and midway past the 7K mark, I approached the turnoff to Phillips Point and thought, “Hmm, Phillips Point or PP as one might call it. Pee pee…” and made a slight detour to heed nature’s call. I had a very nice view of the lake for the short time I was there.

In terms of traffic, my early start meant I encountered some other early risers, including two small groups of runners, all of them bundled to the hilt. The one wrinkles was a woman walking a black poodle about the size of a small horse and that was off-leash. It kind of got in my way and she said, “Sorry” but it would have been better if the dog had just been on leash and under proper control.
Still, it was a good start to the week, and while I can’t say I’m crazy about running in the cold, it went about as well as could be expected.
Run 750 Average pace: 5:56/km Location: Burnaby Lake (CW) Start: 9:19 a.m. Distance: 10.03 km Time: 59:31 Weather: Sunny Temp: -3ºC Humidity: 63% Wind: low BPM: 152 Weight: 163.5 Total distance to date: 5565 km Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation) Shoes: Saucony Peregrine 12 (237 km)