Today’s run was kind of weird for a couple of reasons:
- There was snow on the ground. I had not expected this after Monday’s run.
- I had to pee–twice! I’ll later ask ChatGPT if the cold makes your bladder more sensitive. UPDATE: Here’s what ChatGPT said: “No, cold temperature does not affect the need to urinate. The sensation to urinate is controlled by the bladder filling and stretch receptors signalling to the brain. However, being in cold weather may make you feel the need to urinate more frequently due to the body trying to reduce heat loss by decreasing blood flow to the skin, which can cause a mild stimulation of the bladder.”
We received a dusting of snow yesterday, and I was hoping/expecting it would be pretty much gone by the time I went for my run today. And it is gone–from the roads and most sidewalks. But not from trails, where a thin patina remains. Fortunately, it’s above freezing now, so the snow hasn’t compacted and become crunchy, which made running on it possible.
Less fortunately, there’s just no way to get the same traction on snow, so even though I put in a similar effort (my BPM was 152, the same as Monday). ,y overall pace was 6:10/km, my slowest in quite some time. The only time I broke the 6:00/km mark was the final km at 5:56/km. That’s apparently when I finally figured out how to really move in the snow.
The first pit stop occurred just past the 1K mark, the second one just past the 7K mark, both happening near convenient and seldom-used side trails. No other issues presented themselves, though I can say the run just felt like more work today. The snow is marginally pretty, but it is pretty lousy to run in, really.
Hopefully it will be gone by Friday.
Clothing note: I wore three layers up top. With no real wind, I think two would have been fine for the run.
Here’s a bonus shot of the Avalon Trail, just after I finished the run:

Run 751 Average pace: 6:10/km Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW) Start: 10:24 a.m. Distance: 10.03 km Time: 1:01:51 Weather: Cloudy Temp: 3ºC Humidity: 93% Wind: low BPM: 152 Weight: 164.6 Total distance to date: 5575 km Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation) Shoes: Saucony Peregrine 12 (247 km)