With bonus bladder hijinks!
It was cooler today, so I wore my windbreaker. In retrospect, I think two layers would have been sufficient, as there was little wind.
I started a little later, but was otherwise planning a pretty ordinary run. I made a tactical error before heading out by drinking way too much soda (aided by not heading out until later), which meant my teeny-tiny bladder sought relief three times before I started my run and twice during the run. It was kind of ridiculous.
What was also kind of ridiculous is the heart rate reported by my Garmin Forerunner 255, which has generally been pretty accurate. All started well, with my first km being 5:45/km and my second slowing a bit to 5:51/km. I was planning on a fairly mellow run today and wasn’t even going to really check on my BPM much at all and so far, all seemed to be proceeding normally.
After the third km dinged, I saw my pace was 5:39/km, which is faster than intended. I checked my heart rate and noticed as I pulled the sleeve of the jacket back that the last digit was an 8. Could my BPM be 148? That would be too low, given the speed and cold. 158? A little high, but quite plausible, given conditions. But no, it was 168, which is, as scientists say, way too high.
I then deliberately slowed my pace but my BPM stayed stubbornly high. I later paused the workout for Bladder Crisis #1. This brought my BPM down to 136. But it started climbing higher again, even as my reported pace was perfectly average. It peaked at 175. I then not only paused the run, I came to a full stop and waited 10-15 seconds. I checked the heart rate on my Apple Watch, on my right wrist. It reported 136. That seemed about right. The Forerunner reported 153, which would be accurate if I was actually running and not standing still. At this point (roughly halfway through the run), I took the Forerunner off, wiped the bottom of the watch to maybe help the sensors, and wiped down my left wrist for good measure. When I resumed running, the Forerunner now went in a new direction: opposite! It now claimed my heart rate was 80, which is basically impossible if I’m even just walking at a brisk pace. Over the course of a few km, it barely got up to 100 BPM.
With about 3.5 km to go, I decided to track the rest of the run on both devices. The Apple Watch ended up reporting an overall average BPM of 148. This seemed about right. The Forerunner was still under-reporting my heart rate. After nearly two km, it was reporting around 100 BPM, which is silly. It kept creeping up a tiny bit. Finally, with a little under 2 km to go, I paused for Bladder Crisis #2. After resuming the run, the Forerunner suddenly seemed to recognize my actual heart rate again and reported an average of 152 or so for the remainder of the run.
I have no idea why any of this happened. I do know that the Apple Watch seemed to be reporting a heart rate that was in range of what I was expecting, meaning the Garmin watch was not reporting an anomalous heart, but an anomalous reading. It got very weird when it went super-low. By my estimate, it was off by about 50 BPM at that point.
If I figure out what caused this, I’ll report back. Note that the walks both before and after the run reported perfectly normal heart rates, so this seemed to be specific to the run for some reason.
as for the actual run itself? It was fine. No issues, and the cold was not a problem. I’m undecided on whether all the pausing helps or hurts my overall pace. On the one hand, it gives me a chance to rest, presumably providing more energy than I’d have otherwise. On the other hand, it takes me a little time to get back up to speed, cancelling out at least some of that extra energy advantage. Overall, it probably makes little difference.
As for my real heart rate, I would guess somewhere between 149-152 BPM overall. 137 would be seriously impressive at this stage of my running career.
Run 757 Average pace: 5:49/km Location: Burnaby Lake (CW) Start: 11:29 a.m. Distance: 10.03 km Time: 58:18 Weather: Cloudy Temp: 3-4ºC Humidity: 79% Wind: low BPM: "137" (see text for why this is in quotation marks) Weight: 162.9 Total distance to date: 5630 km Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation) Shoes: Saucony Peregrine 12 (302 km)