The original title of this post was going to be April showers, but it stopped raining about two km in. The sun even threatened to come out, but it was only a threat.
The skunk cabbage is now at the stage where it earns its moniker. It’s not terrible, but when you move past a large clump of them, you definitely notice the odour. At least I was running.
My goal today was to do a more casual run, to just take it easy. I kind of broke my own promise on that. I did start a little bit slower, but then went on to finish with a pace very close to Monday’s.
It was busier than I expected, too, especially given the weather, though it was a stat holiday (Good Friday). A lot of people were running, many of them overdressed. I almost felt overdressed wearing two layers up top.
I did have one minor complication in the final km when my left hip started feeling a bit wacky, but it worked itself fairly quickly and did not affect my pace.
I had to dodge a few puddles, but it wasn’t that bad, and when I stopped to tie my right lace just short of the 5K mark, I noticed someone running ahead of me–the spitfire! In all the years I’ve seen her running, I have never actually been behind her. I kept pace past the fields and down the Cottonwood Trail, but once the trail started getting windy, I lost sight of her, as she had enough distance on me. She was also pulling away a bit near the end because I tend to go into cruise control on the Cottonwood Trail, and she apparently does not.
I did not see her at the end, which made me very slightly sad.
Overall, it was a fine run, even if I did break my own promise on how to run it.
Oh, and another sign of spring: They finally unlocked the fountain. Yay! The water was very cold and delicious.

Run 769 Average pace: 5:41/km Location: Burnaby Lake (CW) Start: 11:00 a.m. Distance: 10:03 km Time: 57:04 Weather: Showers and cloudy Temp: 8ºC Humidity: 92% Wind: low BPM: 153 Weight: 164.8 Total distance to date: 5725 km Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation) Shoes: Saucony Peregrine 12 (397 km)