I headed out about an hour earlier today and, for the first time, after doing a full batch of stretching exercises, including the foam roller one designed to put your quad muscles into some kind of agony. As before, my plan was to adopt a moderate pace and just see how it went.
Conditions were very similar to Saturday, but I erred on the side of caution this time and wore sunblock.
Because it was a weekday, the trail was only lightly populated and all humans and dogs were well-behaved. I saw the spitfire again, but she was not running–or walking. She was actually standing, checking something on her phone. I’m wondering if she may have also injured herself and is just taking walks until she’s recovered.
Speaking of injuries, I felt no ill effects on the knees during or after the run. As I sit here a few hours later typing this, they don’t hurt or feel stiff. The quad muscles do, though (not hurt, but feel stiff).
My BPM dipped slightly to 152, which is nice but statistically insignificant. More significant is my pace dropped to 6:00/km, down an impressive eight seconds from Saturday. I’m shaking off the rust, woo.
Also, the field was replete with goslings. See below.
Overall, a solid second effort. I went from “maintaining” after the run to “overreaching” after the 9 km walk back. Undecided on whether I’ll run Wednesday or Thursday. But I will run!

(full of goslings)
Run 777 Average pace: 6:00/km Location: Burnaby Lake (CW) Start: 12:42 p.m. Distance: 5.03 km Time: 30:10 Weather: Sunny Temp: 20ºC Humidity: 63% Wind: low to moderate BPM: 152 Weight: 166.1 Total distance to date: 5770 km Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation) Shoes: Saucony Peregrine 12 (442 km)