Today I did a short loop at the lake, starting near the Jiffy John™ and running counter-clockwise until I hit 3K, then turning around and heading back, in order to minimize the total amount of walking I’d need to do. I still got mildly upbraided at the end of the run when the Garmin Forerunner said I was “overreaching”. This should change over time as I get more into condition.
Speaking of condition, I kept my BPM the same at 152, but did improve my pace again, this time by five seconds, to 5:55/km. After 25 days off, it took three runs to break the six-minute mark. I was pretty consistent as well, coming in under six minutes for all 5 km.
It was a little cooler and only partly sunny, but this actually made conditions quite nice for running. The trail was sparsely populated, but the cottonwood dander is all over the place early. If I was allergic to this stuff, I’d need to wear a hazmat suit for my runs.
Also of note, the FIRE DANGER signs are up, marking one of the few times they’ve gone up in May, and the earliest I’ve seen them in a few years, tidings of what may be a dry, hot summer.
Overall, this was a good run, and once again I’m not feeling any issues with the knees, other than some slight stiffness. I feel the calf and quad muscles more from all the stretching exercises (and also when I’m running, which is not bad, just something I’ve noticed).

Run 778 Average pace: 5:55/km Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW then CW) Start: 12:42 p.m. Distance: 5.03 km Time: 29:43 Weather: Partly sunny Temp: 16ºC Humidity: 70% Wind: low to moderate BPM: 152 Weight: 166.7 Total distance to date: 5775 km Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation) Shoes: Saucony Peregrine 12 (447 km)