A few notes on today’s run in handy list form:
- I had four days off, more than usual
- It was very windy at times, once I could feel it doing that “trying to pull it off my head” thing
- Humidity was low, so I experienced PDMS1Partial Dry Mouth Syndrome
I wasn’t sure what to expect today after the four days off. When I started, I immediately felt creaky–but more in the shins, probably because of the stretching. After a while this went away, and eventually I felt a bit of stiffness in the knees instead. Nothing horrible, but definitely there. That also seemed to diminish as the run went on.
My pace fell back from the last run, as I think I’d had just enough time off to start losing a bit of the conditioning I was gaining back. My best laps were the 2nd and last, both of which came under the six-minute mark.
I wanted to go sleeveless, to help work on my not-a-farmer’s tan, but my sleeveless running shirts fit a bit snug right now. While I slim down, I opted to wear a George shirt, which is a cotton blend. Fortunately, the high wind and not Africa hot temperature meant I didn’t really sweat, so I never had to deal with a sweat-soaked cotton shirt clinging to my body.
I noticed the construction equipment at the new playground was gone, so I went over to seek water at the fountain.
I was denied because they’re apparently not finished, and the whole area has a temporary fence around it. Even if I climbed the fence, the fountain is probably turned off right now, anyway.
I mixed things up for the walk home. After going 5K and arriving at the fountain by the dam, I ended my walk and checked the stats. My training status was rated as Productive. I noodled around for a few minutes, ventured over to the turtle nesting area, where two women were sitting on the bench, at least one of them smoking. Again, I note that I ONLY see people smoking on the trail after the FIRE DANGER No Smoking signs go up. I am convinced it works as some weird reverse psychological trigger for these people. Anyway, I then started another walk for the last 4 km home and assumed a more leisurely pace, to better preserve my tired knees.
When I got home I checked and my training status after this second walk was still Productive. Woo!
The knees don’t feel that bad right now as I type this, which is good. I get them poked and prodded tomorrow at my next physio appointment.

Run 779 Average pace: 6:02/km Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW) Start: 2:47 p.m. Distance: 5.04 km Time: 30:24 Weather: Sunny Temp: 22ºC Humidity: 37% Wind: moderate to strong BPM: 151 Weight: 165.3 Total distance to date: 5780 km Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation) Shoes: Saucony Peregrine 12 (452 km)