I’m still not sure. Some people have a passion that drives them and pushes them through their entire life. No one wonders what Picasso’s hobbies were1Apparently he liked gardening and photography, among other things. I suspect most or many people are like me–good at certain things, interested in a variety of stuff, but not especially driven by any of them. So a lot of what we do seems to be puttering around, or a bit unfocused. These are not necessarily bad things.
I like to draw and write, but I’ve left both of these interests go fallow at times, sometimes for years. I know how my mind works and constantly do battle with its weaker aspects. I am an expert at procrastination, so I’ve adopted the two-minute rule and other techniques to help. I’m lazy, so I try to motivate myself early in the day to let the momentum carry me.
I try to be funny and good to others. I try to be wise, or at least not appear to be a dummy. I consider other viewpoints. I apologize when needed. I realize I will never be perfect or everything I could be because no one can. Not even Picasso.
I’m not sure what prompted this. Sometimes I just have random deep thoughts and write them out to see what comes of them.
I conclude with a bookish cat.