
Here are some, because it’s important for people on blogs to have opinions on trending topics or something.

  • AI: Very bad, silly and harmful, not necessarily in that order
  • Microsoft’s Recall (which uses AI): Very bad
  • Linux: Good, but could be better
  • Windows: Good, but Microsoft is determined to ruin it for reasons (see above)
  • macOS: Not really getting better, but good enough
  • Mechanical keyboards: Yes
  • Billionaires: All of them are bad, except those who got their money indirectly and not by design, and are giving it away
  • Capitalism: Deeply flawed and getting worse
  • Climate change: [screaming into the void]
  • The U.S. Supreme Court: Evil, corrupt and vile
  • Kittens: Yay!

Here is a kitten:

The Possible List

In which I rank the possibility of things actually existing, on a 1 to 10 scale, with 1 being “nuh uh” and 10 being “oh yeah, big time.”

  • Bigfoot. 4/10. Woods are spooky and many of them haven’t been totally paved over yet, so maybe Bigfoot is out there. But more likely not.
  • Loch Ness Monster. 4/10. Sure the loch is big and all but if a giant aquatic dinosaur was really living there we would have confirmed it by now with our fancy modern technology. 2 of the 4 points are just wanting it to be real because giant aquatic dinosaurs are cool.
  • UFOs. 10/10. Technically, UFOs exist, no debate needed. People see objects flying in the sky all the time that can’t be reliably identified. The real question is what might those objects be if they’re not weather balloons, swamp gas or stealthy government aircraft.
  • 9/11 conspiracy. 0/10. You fly a giant passenger jet into a building, there’s going to be problems. You don’t need a sinister government lining the building with explosives and deliberately massacring its own citizens for that.
  • Parallel universes/dimensions. 8/10. There’s just enough circumstantial evidence to suggest parallel universes exist. What they might look like is another question. Are there really an infinite number of me out there? If so I hope at least one of them has nice teeth.
  • The afterlife/soul. 7/10. I’ve been warming up to this as time goes by. While there is a certain cold logic in you live, you die, you get replaced by others who are born and the cycle goes on forever, some evidence is starting to emerge that suggests something may persist after the brain has shut down permanently, whether it’s a soul, something soul-like or maybe just gas. But something. My question is if there is an afterlife, why can’t people on the other side talk to us? After you shuffle off your mortal coil, do you switch from your native language to some kind of crazy moonspeak that the living could never understand? Is it a parallel universe where people can look but not touch? Is everyone standing around on clouds and reminiscing about the good old days when they were alive?
  • Ghosts. 6/10. Some say ghosts are just a form of the soul that hasn’t moved on to standing on clouds and talking about the good old days. I suppose I should really rank this the same as the afterlife, but I’m knocking it down a point just because every ghost hunting TV show is so dumb.
  • Aliens. 10/10. Do I believe there are non-human intelligent beings out there? It seems silly and narrow-minded to think that among the billions of stars and millions of planets we’d be the only intelligent life. And I use that word loosely, given the current political climate.

10 best things about the US election

The 10 best things about the US election

  1. It's 16 days later and the world hasn't ended (yet)
  2. No more campaigning for at least a few months
  3. Trump wasn't elected in Canada
  4. Trump isn't literally Hitler
  5. It's finally over
  6. There is no longer any need to worry about the bar being set lower
  7. Red baseball cap industry has seen slight boost
  8. Trump can only be reelected once
  9. 2020 is only four years away
  10. There is no #10