Snack-free November 2020, Day 3: A day late, a pound short

Yes, I did some snacking yesterday and shamefully did not post. But I was also down one pound this morning, which is both weird and good.

I’ve been better so far today. I had a piece of fruit!

More later. And now a haiku on the U.S. election:

In Which America Reveals It Has Lost Its Mind and is OK With That

The U.S. voted
Sixty-three million for Trump
Burn everything down

Snack-free November 2020, Day 2: Not snack-free

Pretty much the same as yesterday snack-wise, so I won’t repeat the full list here. I was a little more active. We’ll see if the scale screams in the morning. I was down 0.4 pounds today, which was nice.

I suspect the snacking will diminish as the week progresses. Really!

Today’s haiku (about National Novel Writing Month, about which I will write more soon) is below.

50,000 words or less

Write a short novel
You have twenty-eight days now
Do this? Good fiction.

Snack-free November 2020: Because of October’s abject failure

Although the blog posts make for dull reading, it seems that doing a daily check-in on my snacking helps curb it and not doing a daily check-in results in snacking and plenty of it.

So I am back with the daily check-in. I will either try to spice things up by adding a haiku to each, for example, or move the check-ins to a journal program that no one else can see and is thus spared from. I will decide soon.

For today, not an auspicious start but it could have been worse (the brownies are now gone). The snack total:

  • A chocolate almond
  • A chocolate almond peanut butter cup (chocolate and almonds were apparently today’s theme)
  • A few crackers
  • Some veggie straws

Tomorrow I will try to go snack-free again, for real. For sure.


The Evil That Snacks Do

They fatten your hips
And everything else as well
Yummy snacks are bad

October 2020 weight loss report: Up 0.6 pounds

The main thing is it could have been worse.

I was trending under 170 pounds for most of the month (yay) but in the last week I decided to bake some brownies (uh oh). I have absolutely no self-control when it comes to brownies. This is now established fact.

My weight edged up past 170 pounds. Then it kept edging higher and higher. Fortunately it dipped a bit today, but I still gained nearly three pounds for the month. Ay caramba!

But! Total weight gain for the year is only 0.6 pounds, which is almost a rounding error. This is good. Better still, my body fat has taken a turn for the better, dropping significantly for the first time in a good while, 2.3 pounds worth this month and down by 1.7% as a percentage. Fitbit still classified me as “overweight” for the last three days of the month, but these were The Bad Brownie Days.

I vow no brownies next month and to not just drop below 170, but to get to at least 165 pounds. Yep!


October 1: 169.5 pounds
October 31: 172.4 pounds (up 2.9 pounds)

Year to date: From 171.8 to 172.4 pounds (up 0.6 pounds)

And the body fat:

October 1: 22.2% (37.7 pounds of fat)
October 31: 20.5% (35.4 pounds of fat) (down 2.3 pounds)

Snack-free: Occasional October Update #1

I have been pretty good on the snacking so far this month, with only a few crackers here and there, no giant sacks of donuts or triple layer cakes or anything.

We still have brownie mix in the pantry, though. Dun dun dun.

But the best news is that for four of five days so far in October I have been below 170 pounds. Yay. I am now reasonably confident I can end the month below 170 and keep pushing to my next intermediate goal of 160 pounds. Go lighter me!

Snack-free, Day 30 of 30: Snack-free!

I had breakfast, lunch and dinner, with no snacking (lunch included a Clif Bar, which I now always regret later . Sorry, Clif Bar people, it’s me, not you!)

As expected, I was up again, slightly, to 170.4 pounds. We’ll see if I balloon again in weight overnight and set myself with an easier challenge to lose weight for October.

As mentioned in the September 2020 weight loss report, I’ll be switching the frequency of these updates to weekly, monthly or never. I haven’t decided yet. The important part is the snack-free-ing will continue regardless.

September 2020 weight loss report: Down 1.4 pounds

While this month’s weight loss was more modest than August (1.4 pounds vs. 2.0 pounds), it marks a couple of important milestones:

  • For the majority of the month my wight was classified as Normal rather than Overweight as I hung around the 170 pound mark
  • I dipped below 170 pounds twice. That’s two times more than most of the year.
  • I am now lower in weight than I was on January 1st, also known as the Before Times

The last one is especially noteworthy. After switching up my weight loss plan about six weeks ago, I have for the first time ended a month at a weight lower than I started at this year. This bodes well for the future.

I remained donut-free.

Going forward, I may ease up on the official snack-free reports. On the one hand, it keeps me honest. On the other, it’s not exciting stuff to read, even for me. I can’t imagine another person or some scraping bot suffering through these every day. I’ll either do the updates elsewhere (“Dear Diary…”) or switch to a lower frequency for updates like once a week.

I am encouraged by these efforts and shall continue to work on getting closer to the thinner (but not Stephen King Thinner) version of me.

The stats:

September 1: 171.8 pounds
September 30: 170.4 pounds (down 1.4 pounds)

Year to date: From 171.8 to 170.4 pounds (down 1.4 pounds)

And the body fat:

September 1: 22.6% (38.9 pounds of fat)
September 30: 
22.4% (38.1 pounds of fat) down 0.7 pounds)

Snack-free, Day 29 of 30: Snacks, free

Here is today’s cheatin’ list:

  • The dregs of the trail mix. Gone now, so they shall tempt me no more
  • A slice of toast with raspberry jam
  • A few crackers

Other than that, I behaved and did my post-work exercise again.

I was up slightly this morning, to 170.1 pounds, so my time spent below 170 was again confined to one brief but glorious day. I will predict that for tomorrow, the last day of the month, I will be up again slightly, but will be delighted and pleasantly surprised if I dip below 170 again.

Snack-free, Day 26 of 30: Nuts to me

It was a good day for cheating. I mean, good in the sense that there was no cheating, save for another small serving of trail mix. I even had pizza and saved some for leftovers.

And I exercised today, with running and all that.

I was up yet again, though (scream emoji here), but only by 0.1 pounds (eyeroll emoji here), to 171.6 pounds. I’m hoping to resume the downward trend in weight tomorrow, but am not predicting it.

Snack-free, Day 25 of 30: Nuts (and fruit)

A good day today, though I did have a small snack–a fruit/nut trail mix. But this is actually healthy food, although a bit calorie-rich when consumed in massive quantities. So I stuck to a small quantity.

I was up again, by 0.4 pounds, to 171.5 pounds.

I again make no predictions about tomorrow. I met all of my activity goals today but only did an official™ 15 minute walk, so exercise was minimal. But I cleaned and stuff, so that counts for something. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.

Snack-free, Day 24 of 30: Cheating, but also running

So it sort of balances out.

First, my list of shame:

  • A Clif bar. The magic is definitely gone now. I need to remember this the next time I go to eat one. I have some plans here.
  • A bowl of Multigrain Cheerios. Normally this is fine, but I also had leftover mac and cheese for lunch, so the cereal was gratuitous.

On the plus side, I also did my first walk/run in a week. Go me!

On the plus plus side (the fat side), I was up in weight, as predicted, by exactly one pound, to 171.1 pounds.

I have no prediction for tomorrow.