As mentioned somewhere in among the flurry of today’s posts, I have this informal rule on my blog, to post once per day. I later amended this to allow me to have a day or two slip by, post-free, as long as I ended up with an average of one post per day by the last day of the month.
Since instituting this, I have posted a lot more. Is this a good thing? Sometimes! Maybe even most of the time, if only just.
Then I thought, Why not more? More more more.
So I unofficially decided to try for two posts per day. This would seem twice as hard, but it is, in fact, much harder. Also, if you start falling behind, it becomes even tougher to catch up. Kind of like if you’re halfway through National Novel Writing Month and your lack of output means you need to write 3,000 words per day for the last two weeks. You just throw your hands up in the air and surrender. Or in 2023, you get ChatGPT to write the novel for you.
Anyway, when I got up today, I realized I would not hit that two post per day average this month, as I had written 46 posts, well short of the needed 62. It meant I’d have to spew out 16 more posts in a single day to hit my goal, which I’d never done before, nor even come close to doing before.
But I did it tonight! This is the 16th post I’ve put up today and the 62nd for the month, averaging two per day. Hooray for me! I will now celebrate by going to bed.

Also, I’m never doing this again1Quite possibly a big fat lie..