This is a work in progress, but you can now go to an actual Birding Photo Galleries page and find two–two!–galleries ready for your birb-y pleasure. There is also a very plain link to the galleries in the sidebar over to the right.
They call him Flicker
We’ve had a northern flicker come bug-hunting outside our condo for a little while now, and today it seemed like it would stay long enough for me to grab a few shots, so I did. I had to shoot through a dirty living room window, so I did what I could to clean up the shots (they are grainy if you zoom in, alas). And it was almost too close at times to keep in frame. Shot with my Canon EOS M50.
Right side:

Left side:

Minor redemption on lazy updates to photo galleries
I have uploaded the full set of photos I deem acceptable from the August 26th birbing extravaganza. The link to the gallery is below. I’ll work on the other photo-less galleries soon™.
This gallery has a bit of everything: bugs, birds, boats. I also indulged and converted three photos to black and white, but kept the originals, so people can argue over which is better.
Centennial Beach, March 4, 2023
A few shots from Centennial Beach taken today. It was super windy and started to rain not long after we arrived, so we bailed early. But I shot a few birds before we bailed.

Reifel Bird Sanctuary and Iona Beach, Feb.11, 2023
The day was gray, and the sun only poked out a few times, but it was nice as always to get out among the birds. While the light was not always great, the birds often gave good pose to make up for it.
Here are a few of the photos I took.

And for now, I leave you with two blackbird photos, each weird in its own way.

Golf ball drama at Piper Spit
I went solo today for birding and managed an hour or so at Piper Spit, getting home just as the rain started. Timing!
Here are a few shots, including some action involving a fluorescent golf ball, some crows and seagulls.

A Bewick’s wren and other birbs
Yesterday at Burnaby Lake I managed to get some photos of a Bewick’s wren, which I’d never seen before. Spiffy! Plus chickadees and other assorted birds. Here are a few shots.

Soggy sojourn at Piper Spit, January 2023
A few images from a brief visit to Burnaby Lake on Saturday, January 7th. Brief mainly because it was pouring rain the entire time, but we were determined to get in some birding, dang it.

Starting the new year at Piper Spit (Jan 1, 2023)

A few photos from my afternoon trek to Piper Spit. It was a pleasant day and a stat holiday, so it was kind of packed. But that was okay. Really!