It’s the end of the decade as I know it (and I feel fine)

Today is my birthday. As is tradition, I will not be doing anything noteworthy to celebrate. This blog post is pretty much it!

This particular birthday is a milestone in a couple of ways, one of them in a reflective sense, the other a little more morbid1Which I will address as a footnote: I have officially outlived my dad, who died at the age of 58.

I’m turning 59, which means this is the last year I will fit into that 50-59 bracket. Next year, I will officially be Old. You know how surveys always divide age groups up? I am basically at the tail end of the second-to-last group now, after that, I’ll be lumped into that amorphous group of people that spans from 60 to whatever you get to. This group is apparently a demographic that does everything the same, so it is not further subdivided. Apparently I will eat, shop, and entertain myself at 100 in the exact same way as I will at 60. I can’t wait to start listening to country music in earnest.

I don’t feel old, though. In fact, after spending all of my 50s running regularly (barring injury/snow) I feel pretty decent2The weather could be better, though. They predict only a high of 16C today and a chance of showers. Decent for running, less so for basking in the final days of summer.

And that’s really all I have to say. Here, then, is the Bitmoji version of me eating a birthday cake:

Another palindrome birthday (55)

I am writing this birthday post a day late because I got busy/distracted and forgot to do it yesterday, my actual birthday.

I turned 55, which is much better than not turning 55.

I don’t feel much different than I did a year ago. In fact, I’m probably in better shape now.

I got a mini-cake at work. That was nice. Everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to me, which I kind of hated, but I appreciate the sentiment.

I didn’t run after work, telling Jeff “I am invoking birthday privilege.” Despite not running and eating cake, I was actually down a little this morning. And I ran 10K today (see previous post), so I’ve more than made up for being a lazy sod for my birthday.

Other than that, it was a day much like any other. Official birthday dinner is tomorrow and I get to decide where. I have joked about going to Wendy’s for a couple of Baconators, but that would be grossbuckets. No offense to Wendy’s or fans of excessive amounts of bacon.

Here’s hoping I get another 50 or 100 birthdays. As long as I’m relatively nimble both mentally and physically, I say keep ’em coming.

Birthday: Bread, but no cupcakes

As always, I am most grateful; on my birthday for having made it largely intact to another birthday.

It was even nice enough for me to go out in a t-shirt and shorts, possibly the last time I will do that this year without questioning my sanity or prepping for a polar bear swim in January (the forecast promises mostly sunny and 23ºC a week from now, but the weather in the second half of September can change in a whimsical and abrupt manner).

I thought it might be cute to buy a cupcake and put a single candle on it (mostly to take a picture of it), but Save-On Foods sadly was only selling a half-dozen of aggressively overdecorated cupcakes. I might have settled for a chocolate muffin instead, but they had none of those, either. I came home instead and, as the kids say, had a sad. I also made bread, which was yummy.

Part of me still wants to go out and find something, but I think the “it’s your birthday, just laze around and very slowly burn calories” part will probably win.

So here’s an image I found on the internet instead. I searched for “sad birthday cupcake.”

And here’s the image in its original context on flickr:

A soggy 2017 birthday

Today is my birthday.

I celebrated by drinking an entire carton of eggnog.

Just kidding. The Save On Foods nearby isn’t selling eggnog for at least a few more days.

Instead I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary, other than being treated to a nice dinner out by Jeff. The day was gray and wet and cool, like a fall day, except it’s technically still summer.

Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer and sunnier. It figures.

On the plus side, I’m still around and kicking and complaining, so there’s that.

And now, a birthday haiku:

Another year gone
A little less hair for me
Better bald than dead

Birthday #1,000 or so (2016)

Today was my birthday. Birthdays are odd, because you’re essentially celebrating moving one year closer to death. Mind you, that’s better than actually being dead, so there’s that. Unless being dead is secretly cool and all the dead people are keeping it to themselves.

Anyway, a co-worker of mine brought a donut cake of sorts to me while I worked on the service desk today. It was massive and about 5,000 calories and I could not eat all of it. But here’s a picture of it sitting on the corner of my desk:

a cake of donuts
[joke about fire hazard if full number of candles were used]
I consumed the top donut, as Boston Cream is my favorite, but could only make a small dent in the apple fritter below (my second favorite–how did they know?)

It was delicious and unexpected and nice. I also got treated to dinner, received a gift card for more books, and got a back scratch and tummy rub. Everything but the donuts was from my partner, not my co-worker. A belly rub from my co-worker would either be terribly awkward or proof that I had slipped into a parallel dimension where such displays are considered normal, possibly even expected.

In all, it was a good ending to what was otherwise a grossbuckets day at work due to ongoing staff shortages/absences/alien abductions. Tomorrow it will just be grossbuckets again.

At least they got the month right

On September 1st I received the following in an email:

Happy birthday whenever!

It’s a birthday wish from Xbox. It’s nice of them to think of me.

My birthday is September 19th.

This made me wonder–since they got the month right, do they just send a mass of email out twelve times a year at the start of each month that covers every birthday for that month? If so, why? Is it a money-saving measure? Email has to be cheap, I’m inundated with it all the time.

Or did they really send it nearly three weeks before my actual birthday by mistake?

Anyway, it’s a cute dog, so thanks Mr. Xbox for the kind-of-early birthday wish!

It’s raining on prom night my birthday

It’s birthday time again and once more my reaction is “meh.”

Highlights of the day:

  • rain for most of the day. It’s barely rained the last five months.
  • a massive headache
  • napping for about three hours because of said massive headache
  • shuffling around the condo
  • not writing
  • not reading
  • not getting to kill that stupid spider in WoW because Blizzard has jammed players from 500 servers into one, resulting in newbie areas having a population density similar to Mexico City
  • feta-stuffed olives

The last item on that list is an actual highlight. Feta-stuffed olives, mmm.

All told, I continue to not particularly care about marking birthdays so the non-event nature of today’s doesn’t really bother me. I could have done without the headache and rain, though.

Thanks for the cake, Google!

I find it both cute and creepy that when I went to tonight I was presented with this:

Google birthday cake
My birthday cake, presented by Google.

While the ‘Big Brother knows who you are’ aspect is mildly off-putting, it’s still nice to be given what appears to be 20,000 calories worth of virtual birthday cake.

Even if Google did jump the gun by being a day early.


Annual birthday post, 2011 edition

Today is my birthday.

The good: celebrating it with a loving partner, getting a nice present and eating a couple of apple fritters.

The bad: getting older.

The bad is also part of the good, as the alternative is a lot worse.

Birthday #45!

I don’t complain about birthdays because not having one is much worse than having one. Today is my birthday.

I believe I am at the point now where it is recommend to represent the years on the cake via numbers than through actual candles, to reduce the risk of fire. I console myself by noting I’m in way better shape that when I was 25. Slightly more stylish, too.

I celebrated my birthday by going downtown at noon to the anti-HST rally at Canada Place. I’ll elaborate on that more in a separate post. For now, I will mark my past year on the planet with cake-eating pig. Hooray!
