Down the sewer we go…

In Japan, decorative sewer covers became such a thing that people actually make trips to see the covers in various cities. The sewer covers here are just sewer covers, but sometimes the location or weathering causes them to grab my eye.

This one is located along the Brunette River Conservation Area1Or as I usually slightly-less wordily call it, the Brunette River trail and is surrounded by soil, rocks, moss and some fall leaves. It’s also very orange, so it’s in theme right now with the season:

A gray pipe on a sunny day

I saw this concrete pipe plunked down on the sand at Iona Beach on Saturday, and decided it was time for another addition to my black and white photo oeuvre1I used the High Contrast Blue Filter LUT in Pixelmator Photo to get the actual B&W effect. One day I’ll dip myself in black and white paint and do a gallery showing. In the meantime, enjoy!

(The full colour bird photos are coming soon™.)

A tiny lighthouse

There’s a pseudo-diorama outside a yard a few blocks away from my place. There are two lighthouses next to each other (double the safety?) and this is what I feel is the more handsome of the two, which I shot today:

Photo of the day: Sewer cover by the river

Because there is a sewer that runs alongside this part of the Brunette River. Underground, of course, but occasionally you can smell its fragrant odor wafting by.

I was originally going to crop my feet out of the shot, but my feet are almost a meme in my photos at this point, so I kept them in. It was about 30C when I took this shot. I have probably had enough 30C days for this summer. I don’t think Mother Nature is listening, though.

Shot (but not fatally) with iPhone 12