I am officially™ a game developer now!

It’s true!

I have made several games in GameMaker and a few in Godot. I mean, they are not good games, but several are at least as entertaining as some of the Atari 2600 titles I played as a teenager.

And now, I work on my own stuff, rather than just following various tutorials. Exciting! Terrifying! With results hopefully more compelling than some of those Atari 2600 games. If I end up remaking ET: The Game, I will voluntarily submit myself to an endless parade of Nelson Muntz GIFs.

Footnotes, get yer footnotes

I use a WordPress plugin called Modern Footnotes1You can check it here: Modern Footnotes plugin to make pop-up balloons for posts. Yes, not actual footnotes, because this isn’t a Grade 8 Social Studies paper2I still have some of the essays I wrote in high school and college. Toward the end I think I was getting bored, because my focus seemed to be more on wordplay and being funny than extensive research and nuanced arguments, but pop-ups that appear when you click on the footnote number, allowing you to keep your place while reading about funny cats3Cats are funny people, my runs4Officially up to 735!, my weight5Treading water at the moment or my latest excuses for not taking part in National Novel Writing Month6Too many to fit into a footnote or pop-up.

Today I spent some time modifying the CSS of the footnotes and almost have them the way I want them. Almost. They’re more round and bigger and a little sexier.

This concludes my programming FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR.

I am an official C# programmer

I wrote “Hello world!” in C#. I’m adding C# to my resume now.

(This is part of a bigger plan that will hopefully come to fruition this year. More details soon, possibly in the next post if I’m not lazy or distracted.)

Let’s see if I can remember the code:

Console.Writeline("Hello world");

Fake edit: I checked and forgot to capitalize the L in Line, which would have produced an error, since C# is case-sensitive. But I remembered that it’s case-sensitive!

Also, this is the most coding I’ve done in like ten years.

Goodbye Programming category, I hardly knew ye

Earlier today I added the Creative category to the blog. With one post it already equaled one-third of the total posts found under the Programming category. As such I have chucked the Programming category into the vast sea of tags I have on the site (390 and counting!)

This concludes both the Programming category and my attempts at programming. I know when to move on, even if it’s 20 years late.

I’m just glad I was able to solve the Rubik’s Cube when I was a kid. I don’t think I could have taken the lack of closure on that.

Major programming update!

“Major” being hyperbole, of course!

Still, I have purchased the ebook version of Learning C# after seeing a post about a one-day sale O’Reilly was having where you could get any ebook for $9.99. Books on programming are always tricky to use because you have to constantly refer to them while trying to, well, program, so you end up picking the book up and setting it down over and over or start devising creative ways to make the book lay open and flat by using whatever you might have on your desk to weigh it down — staplers, spare keyboards, your cat. The ebook version by design is always flat. In fact, it’s perfectly 2D! This should make my programming efforts a smidgen easier.

Now I just need to gird myself to dive back in.

Me vs. programming, part 2

I set about working on the first actual lesson in C# on the msdn site, which, typically, is the near-mandatory “hello world!” program. The lesson has the code in a little code box (to preserve formatting) and instructs you to paste it into the C# program window and run it.

Except the example code leaves off a closing brace and the code generates an error message instead of running at all.

I’ve already learned more than the lesson intended thanks to its inept execution. However, skimming through the remainder, the phrase “you get what you pay for comes to mind” so I am mulling over other sites/lessons/books before jumping back in. I should still have more to report shortly, though.

20 END

Me vs. programming

Before letting Mavis Beacon beat me about the head some more for my lack of touch-typing skills, I thought it might be fun to try my hand at programming again.

Over the years I have dabbled a bit in some Basic, coded HTML, made a few stylesheets and wrangled with an SQL file or two, so I’m not completely wet behind the ears. What I am, however, is no longer 12 years old. That means a couple of things. For starters, I am old enough to be adept at a few tasks and so trying something new is bound to leave me a little impatient at getting to the results. I got through the same thing with jogging by using a nine week plan that carefully ramped up the effort needed, so I was always seeing progress meted out. The other thing is by being older my mind is perhaps a wee bit less pliable than it once was. That whole “old dogs/new tricks” thing. I’m not quite ready to assume my brain isn’t up to retaining brand new information, though.

Tonight I started by downloading the MS Visual Basic 2008, Visual C# 2008 and Visual Web Developer 2008 Express editions. I chose Windows Development Tier 1 as my starting point and watched the introductory video, which was basically, “This is a computer and it does stuff. Soon you will make it do stuff!”

By next week I expect to be writing incredibly awesome Windows applications, of course.