After two weeks, the snow has finally retreated enough that I can run on the trails again. Yay.
I could definitely feel the two weeks of not-running, though. Not as yay.
But I made it without any issues, so here’s a list of conditions and observations:
- It was foggy. Ack. Unlike the November fog run, it was lighter this time, so my glasses didn’t become coated. It just lent a somewhat spooky ambience to the run.
- I started out slow and never really got faster, but stayed fairly steady. I only had one km under the 6:00/km mark (the fourth, on the Cottonwood Trail)
- The trail was mostly clear, though some snow persisted on parts that get less sun. I was able to navigate these without issue.
- I started to feel a bit tired between the 6’7 km mark, but maintained pace and a steady BPM of 151 overall, which is good considering the cold.
- Speaking of cold, I wore two layers up top and that was fine. My hands never really warmed up, though. I blame the fog, somehow.
A few dog owners had their dogs off-leash, but fortunately no problems arose because of this. The fog began to lift slowly over the course of the run, but it wasn’t until the walk back that the sun actually broke through. This probably worked to my advantage, since it kept the sun from “strobing” through the naked trees on the run.
Overall, it was nice to get back out, but I definitely felt missing those five runs that got called due to snow. Here’s hoping no more snow this year (or next year, while I’m at it).
The view from the bridge at Deer Lake Brook. There’s a lake in there, trust me!

Run 737 Average pace: 6:05/km Location: Burnaby Lake (CCW) Start: 9:57 a.m. Distance: 10.04 km Time: 61:06 Weather: Foggy Temp: 2-4ºC Humidity: 91% Wind: nil BPM: 151 Weight: 162.8 Total distance to date: 5455 km Devices: Garmin Forerunner 255 Music, iPhone 12, AirPods (3rd generation) Shoes: Saucony Peregrine 12 (127 km)