Treadmill workout: Bad dog

On my non-run days, I normally complete my exercise ring by going out for a walk. Since I walk fast and usually have a few minutes on ye olde exercise ring before heading out, I can wrap the whole thing up in less than 30 minutes. Easy peasy.

But after yesterday’s BDI1Bad Dog Incident. See here. I didn’t really feel like strolling to the park and face the possibility of being bitten repeatedly and torn apart. So I did a 30-minute workout on the treadmill and watched some YouTube videos.

The workout was fine.

And I’ll confess, I kind of watch The Tech Chap’s videos not just because he is a knowledgeable sort of person and his videos are well-made, but also because he’s totally the kind of guy I’d be chasing after if I was magically single and 30 years old again. And if he was into guys. And a billion other factors that would need to fall into place to support my absurd fantasy scenario.


Speed: 6.5
Incline: 0

Pace: 9:13/km
Time: 30:04
Distance: 3.26 km
Calories burned: 23
BPM: 113

Treadmill workout: Maybe I could have ran?

It’s been milder and less winter-like the last few days, though still short of seasonal, and while the amount of snow I saw on the trail yesterday would have precluded running (especially with the remaining snow being very squishy and slippery), it’s possible enough might have melted overnight to make a run possible. But I didn’t feel like checking, and there was probably still too much snow still, anyway.

So yet another treadmill workout, with a load of YouTube videos.

The workout was fine, pretty much the same as the last 5K I did. Actually, I checked and my BPM was a tad higher and my pace a tad slower. Fat and old, I guess!


Speed: 6.5
Incline: 0

Pace: 9:15/km
Time: 46:26
Distance: 5.02 km
Calories burned: 401
BPM: 123

Treadmill workout: Garmin style

Not to be confused with Gangnam Style.

Today, I wore both my Apple Watch and Garmin Forerunner 255 for my treadmill workout, to see how they compared. Let’s take a look! Also, I messed up a bit at the end on the Garmin, as you will see.

  • Heart rate: Identical. Yes, both the Garmin and Apple watches agreed my BPM was 121. This is good!
  • Average Pace: Garmin thought I was faster, 9:00/km vs. 9:10/km for Apple
  • Total distance: As expected, Garmin logged more, 5.13 km vs. Apple at 5.02 km
  • Calories burned: Despite being slower, Apple felt I burned more calories, 391 vs.376 for Garmin.

Where I messed up was the end. The Garmin watch prompted me to enter the distance, which I thought was odd, because it clearly tracked it, not realizing this was a calibration step (which it notes after entering the distance). I should have entered the distance showing on the treadmill’s display, but did not, so it’s slightly off. I’ll see if it lets me calibrate again next time, though I’m also not sure if I really want to wear two watches on the treadmill (or at all).

The 5K workout went fine, though. I felt more vigorous doing it mid-afternoon than mid-evening.

Stats (Apple):

Speed: 6.5
Incline: 0

Pace: 9:10/km
Time: 46:03
Distance: 5.02 km
Calories burned: 391
BPM: 121

Stats (Garmin):

Speed: 6.5
Incline: 0

Pace: 9:00/km
Time: 46:03
Distance: 5.13 km
Calories burned: 376
BPM: 121

Treadmill workout: Make your own title

Another day, more snow. I didn’t feel like going for a walk and having to navigate the shoveled vs. unshoveled areas, so with 17 minutes to fill on my exercise ring, I once again did half an hour on the treadmill. And in mid-evening, which will probably not help my sleep.

Kind of dumb, but at least I’m keeping the cardio up.


Speed: 6.5
Incline: 0

Pace: 9:22/km
Time: 31:45
Distance: 3.39 km
Calories burned: 247
BPM: 116

Treadmill workout: February snow, Part 2

Today would have been a run day, but no, it had to snow. And snowed again today, with only 20 days until spring. Who ordered this weather? Not me!

The workout was once again fine. 30 minutes on the treadmill, all the usual sweaty goodness. I watched a couple of videos on film criticism (one knocking soft reboots, the other outlining how terrible the blocking and pacing of Jurassic World Dominion was). The videos were also fine. I agreed with the points made.


Speed: 6.5
Incline: 0

Pace: 9:19/km
Time: 30:52
Distance: 3.31 km
Calories burned: 232
BPM: 116

Treadmill workout: February snow

Today wasn’t actually an exercise day, but I was 4 minutes short of completing my exercise ring, it snowed last night (grr) so a quick walk around the block in a soft, slushy mess, was unappealing.

And so, treadmill!

I watched two videos, one on how movies today feature adults acting like children because they’re written by adults acting like children, and another on how Google is going crazy with ads on YouTube (which was kind of meta). Although both videos were more or less downers, they were informative and entertaining. But I’m too lazy to link them, sorry.

As for the workout, it was half an hour-ish and 3 km in length. It was fine.


Speed: 6.5
Incline: 0

Pace: 9:21/km
Time: 28:18
Distance: 3.02 km
Calories burned: 236
BPM: 119

Treadmill workout: February rain

I hemmed and hawed (as grandpa used to say) over what to do for a run today. It was pouring steadily through the morning and I really didn’t want to go out and get drenched even before starting the run part. I successfully put things off until early afternoon. At that point I still had time for a full run, but a shorter one seemed more feasible. It had also stopped raining and the odds of rain were lower. And it was relatively mild–8C.

But I still didn’t want to go out.

So I went on the treadmill instead, doing a 6 km workout, which came to just under one hour. I got absorbed in various videos, so in the end I didn’t mind too much.

I’ll likely be delayed heading out on Wednesday again due to a smoke alarm test, but am tentatively planning to do a full regular run. We will see!


Speed: 6.5
Incline: 0

Pace: 9:12/km
Time: 55.36
Distance: 6.04 km
Calories burned: 365
BPM: 114

Treadmill workout: Stayin’ inside

Today it rained a lot. I went on the treadmill and sweated it out to avoid it.

I even felt spicy enough to raise the speed back up to 6.5. Go me. At a speed of 6.5, to be exact.


Speed: 6.3-6.5
Incline: 0

Pace: 9.20/km
Time: 40:30
Distance: 4.33 km
Calories burned: 278
BPM: 112

Treadmill workout: The snow must go on

Sorry, couldn’t help myself. The snow is actually mostly gone now, thanks to rain and plenty of it!

As for the workout, a half hour tonight to finish up my activity goals, which I did. Hooray for me!

I did start to lose gas in the final km, possibly because I got a Super Lousy™ sleep last night. Or maybe it was something else. I’m not a sleepologist. Curiously, my pace was exactly the same as my previous workout. How do I manage these sorts of weird coincidences? I don’t know. I’m not a coincidencologist.


Speed: 6.3
Incline: 0

Pace: 9.24/km
Time: 30:05
Distance: 3.20 km
Calories burned: 180
BPM: 117

Treadmill workout: Only Santa can be fat

I ate not one, but two Nanaimo bars today, so even though it was mid-evening, I stepped on the treadmill to burn off at least some of the calories I’d taken in.

I also did a walk around Hume Park and part of the river trail earlier for around 40 minutes to survey how much snow is left (sadly, lots).

I kept a speed of 6.3 once again and my overall pace lags a bit because on the fourth km I slowed down a lot for some reason. I think I picked a bad video to watch and it knocked me out of my zone. Note for the future: no tutorials during a workout!

Curiously, I covered the exact same distance as the last workout. This is strange, because I had no intent in doing this. It’s downright creepy! Well, a little. I was slower tonight, yet burned more calories. Bodies are weird.


Speed: 6.3
Incline: 0

Pace: 9.24/km
Time: 53:04
Distance: 5.64 km
Calories burned: 419
BPM: 123

Treadmill workout: Out of the way

I decided around noon to get my exercise and move goals out of the way, in part to get them out of my mind, and also to avoid getting my body all worked up by doing a workout just before bed and getting another poopy sleep score from my Garmin Forerunner 255 (43/100 last night, boo).

I ended up doing a little over 50 minutes at a speed of 6.3 again. I started out really fast, slowed a bit, but kept up a steady pace. It went well. I then ate a Nanaimo bar. Actually I ate it beforehand, but kind of the same thing, really.

Still really hoping this stupid snow will melt, so I can run outside again.

Speed: 6.3
Incline: 0

Pace: 9.17/km
Time: 52:24
Distance: 5.64 km
Calories burned: 363
BPM: 112

Treadmill workout: Whoops, I forgot I worked out

Yes, I just plain forgot to record this workout from last night. Maybe I worked it right out of my brain. Fortunately, the Workout app remembers.

I used a speed of 6.3 and kept going until I hit both Exercise and Speed goals, watching inspirational and/or silly videos. I got kind of wrapped up in them.

Fortunately, I still remembered not to touch the handgrips, thus avoiding getting zapped repeatedly.


Speed: 6.3
Incline: 0

Pace: 9.29/km
Time: 35:58
Distance: 3.79 km
Calories burned: 245
BPM: 113