I am musically unhip

The current issue of The Georgia Straight has a story on the Top Albums of 2011. Almost without exception I am not only unfamiliar with the albums, I’ve never even heard of the performers. Looking through each critic’s selection (nine critics, ten albums each), here are the artists I actually recognize:

  • Tom Waits
  • Jay-Z and Kanye West
  • Paul Simon
  • Foo Fighters
  • George Thorogood & the Destroyers
  • The Jeff Healey Band
  • Wilco
  • Tori Amos
  • Björk
  • PJ Harvey

I have never owned an album from any of these people. Actually, looking over the list I’m surprised that there were that many names I recognized. Still, with 90 picks, I only recognize 10 artists, cementing my place as musically out of touch. Hey, I bought an Animal Collective album last year, that has to count for something, right?

My 2011 Game of the Year Awards

This is cribbed from a couple of posts I made in this Quarter to Three thread but I may expand my picks further here.

Best Game that Works With a Gamepad But They Actually Mean an Xbox 360 Controller and Good Luck with Emulation and All the Voodoo Required to Get It Working With Your Logitech RumblePad and Oh Yeah Even With no Gamepad Connected it Flashes ‘Press Start’ on the Main Screen: Renegade Ops. Bonus: the keyboard/mouse controls are awful, too.

Best Alpha Game Investment This Year: Minecraft

The Why Do I keep Playing This Stupid Game, Anyway? Award: Bejeweled 2, which I play nearly every night on my iPhone when I go to bed.

I Never Knew I Could Get so Sucked Into a Portable Game Award (not counting Bejeweled 2): Dungeon Raid

Best MMORPG I Downloaded the Trial for But Never Actually Played: RIFT

Favorite Class in a Beta Test of Diablo III Before They Wiped All of My Characters *Again*: Monk. Huge electric kick to the face!

Blandest MMO Test That Still Has me Slightly Interested:
Star Wars: The Old Republic

Lifetime Achievement Award for Worst-Looking Human Males in Any MMO or Possibly Any Game Ever: World of Warcraft

The You’re a Big Fat Liar Because You Promised Not to Add More Games to Your Backlog in 2011 and Did It Anyway Award: Me

Fuzziest Warm Feeling for Supporting An Indie Dev and the Game was Pretty Good, Too Award: Dungeons of Dredmor, made by the local Gaslamp Games.

Indie Game With the Name Most Likely to be Misspelled Award: Dungeons of Dredmor (not Dredmore/Dreadmore)

10 things people will always complain about

  1. Politics
  2. Taxes
  3. Their supervisor/co-worker/job
  4. The decline of manners/common courtesy/civilization
  5. The price of gas
  6. The other driver
  7. Ads before movies
  8. Ads before anything
  9. “Kids these days”
  10. The lack of a save mechanism before boss fights*

* okay, maybe not everyone will complain about this one, but everyone should

And so endeth 2008

It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times…

Here’s a brief overview of 2008 in handy list form. I love lists. I bought something like 50 of those Book of Lists books.


  • I was told in April I was pre-diabetic and had to lose weight, exercise more and change my diet
  • I bought a bike in July and ride it to work every day  (when it isn’t snowing all the damn time)
  • I stopped eating junk food and fast food; in June I weighed 187.5 pounds. I now weight 151 pounds.
  • I wrote and completed more fiction than I have in many years (five complete short stories plus assorted fragments)
  • I got new glasses. Hooray for no more scratched lenses!

The World

  • Stephen Harper decided we needed yet another election and he needed one of them fancy majority governments. We got the election, he did not get his majority. He then turned around and gave the opposition parties a big “screw you!”, prompting them to form a coalition that the Bloc said it would support for 18 months. Harper then went to the governor-general and said, “Hey, I’d really like to stay in power. Can I suspend Parliament for two months, even though we are in the middle of the worst economic situation the world has faced in 80 years?” The governor-general gave him the OK, so we are awaiting the budget on January 27th with the proverbial bated breath.
  • Stephane Dion resigned early as Liberal leader, becoming the only Liberal leader to never go on to be Prime Minster. He was replaced in a quick ‘n dirty leadership “review” by a unibrow named Michael Ignatieff. Ignatieff has spent most of the last 20 years living outside of Canada. This surprisingly may work to his benefit.
  • Two byelections in BC result in two NDP wins. No surprise, the governing party almost always loses. The BC Liberals install their carbon tax and everyone pretty much agrees they hate it. Gordon Campbell looks more and more like a cranky old high school teacher.
  • In the U.S. John McCain goes off the rails and incessantly negative in his campaign for president, choosing an airhead governor as his running mate. Sarah Palin proves to be a gold mine (or perhaps more appropriately, a gushing oil well) for comedians as she keeps saying the darndest things. Barack Obama runs a very slick, well-organized campaign and cruises to a fairly easy win, becoming America’s first black president.
  • The year ends with Bush getting shoes thrown at him by an Iraqi journalist. So much for boquets of flowers. Bush nimbly ducks the shoes, earning respect in a way no one could have predicted.
  • Ice shelves continue to collapse. Global warming, a new ice age — clearly Mother Nature has something up her sleeve and I have a feeling we ain’t gonna like it
  • No space shuttles blew up
  • Vancouver gets about 10 feet of snow, I roughly estimate


  • I score 1 out of 10 on an MSNBC entertainment quiz. I guess I’m a bit out of the loop now.
  • Heath Ledger is really good as The Joker in The Dark Knight. For once the hype matches the reality. Shame about his accidental overdose.
  • iTunes is going DRM-free which is great. Most new songs will now be $1.29 instead of 99 cents. This is not so great. Catalogue songs will be as low as 69 cents, though, so in the end I declare all of this Good.
  • I can’t think of anything else noteworthy. I’m actually blanking on what movie won Best Picture this year.
  • My 27″ Sony Wega is officially obsolete. This gigantic CRT is like a huge paperweight I can’t get rid of. I never watch TV.


  • The Canucks roar out of the gate until Luongo pulls his groin. Nearly two months later, they have played a little under .500 hockey, but have 98-year old Mats Sundin in the line-up now to shore up offense. Things should improve when Luongo returns. Whenever that is.

I’ll add more as I reflect back on the momentous year that was 2008. Maybe!