A few things I photographed on a pleasantly warm spring afternoon.

A few things I photographed on a pleasantly warm spring afternoon.
Brunette River showing more green along its shores, plus a bonus great blue heron in the lower-left corner. Ignore the bit of the new SkyTrain maintenance yard construction also on the left. As the vegetation does it thing over the next few months, most of that should be blotted out, preserving the illusion of untouched nature.
I like these kinds of illusions.
Various photos I’ve taken and converted to black and white, typically by using a LUT in Pixelmator Photo.
Gallery page is located here.
From my trip to Vancouver Island on April 5, 2023.
The shots from the ferry were taken through windows, so mind the reflections. I wasn’t going onto the deck, it was freaking cold out there. Yes, I am a wimp!
We hit four (!) places yesterday. It was still warm, but not quite Africa hot at 28C. Humidity is still weirdly high and gross. The birding went like so:
Here’s a shot of the white mallard and its entourage:
Specifically, Burnaby Lake Regional Park.
I decided to get some exercise on a non-run day by walking to Piper Spit at Burnaby Lake (about a 12 km round-trip from my place). I took my camera in order to shoot many and assorted bird shots.
When I got there and opened my camera bag, the spot normally occupied by my camera was not occupied at all. Because I had left the camera back on my desk.
I took a few shots with the iPhone while I was there, then made my way back home (it was 32C by the time I got back, definitely an Africa Hot kind of day). I will now remember to actually check my camera bag before leaving, so lesson learned.
I took mostly scenery shots, and a seagull photobombed one of them. Here it is:
In which the weather, which called for light showers, turned out to remain dry and the sun even came out for a bit. Nice!
Here are a few pics from the day.
This sandhill crane was maybe getting territorial when some geese got too close, and started freaking out a bit and doing a funky dance.
Baby duck being adorably cute.
A rare turtle sighting. It then had the clever idea to climb over the log and promptly flipped itself upside down. Nic turned it right side up, and it made it safely into the water.
My first shot of an American goldfinch.
My first shot of the elusive marsh wren.