Testing the axiom “An artist must suffer for his art”

My personal life has undergone a seismic shift as of last night. Since this is a blog and not Dear Diary I’ll say no more, but if an artist must suffer for his art and I keep writing or doodling or throwing pots or engaging in some sort of creative endeavor, I will soon be producing work that’ll look touched by genius.

Just sayin’.

Let’s start with a haiku.

I did a bad thing
The consequences are due
I am a dumb guy

The genius part may build slowly over time…

Haiku for a pants-free month

I didn’t wear pants for the entire month of August. It only rained once, overnight while I was sleeping. Even the few cloudy days were warm. The smoky, hazy days were downright hot.

This calls for a haiku.

August was dry and hot
My pants would have been on fire
Solution: pants-free

A haiku for summer

A haiku for the summer, officially three weeks away.

I welcome the sun
Delightful and cozy warm
Welcome to the shade

Environment Canada is predicting it will be warmer but precipitation will be about normal. A possibly El Nino could screw everything up. Given how extreme and weird the weather has been the last few years, I feel safe in predicting I have no idea what the next few months will be like.

Sunny would be nice, though.

It is the days of blah

I have been tired and kind of out of steam this week creatively, though I’ve managed a few trifling bits.

This post is essentially padding the monthly total of the blog because I have nothing to say but here are words to fill the void.

Also, since I haven’t written one in a while, a haiku:

The days of blah come
Inspiration eludes me
Fudge sticks and crackers

Now I’m hungry.

A haiku to November

I am not so keen on what November has given me, the world and possibly the entire universe.

If Only Time Machines Were Real

November you suck
Clowns, despair and no good words
Christmas will be coal

Haiku to the common cold

As I type these words I am finally feeling a smidgen better after this horrible cold has spent the last week making my daily existence unpleasant. I am on the verge of breaking my 242 day Move streak as tracked by my Apple Watch due to my lack of energy and it makes me a little sad. It does not motivate me to go out tromping in the raging storm outside to try to salvage the streak, however. I’ll just start anew tomorrow.

In the meantime, here is a haiku to the common cold, may science eradicate it once and for all (preferably before the next one comes a-calling for me).

Hark, the common cold
The coughing and the sneezing
Go away now, please

The multiverse me

If the multiverse exists, I wonder if another version of me in some parallel dimension is also fumbling to come up with something to post to his blog. I hope so, because I hate to suffer alone.

And now, a haiku dedicated to all the possible universes:

I am here and there
Across the universes
Me, myself and I