Separated at birth: Tabula Rasa chapter

I have a co-worker who bears a strangely strong resemblance to the character I played in Tabula Rasa. I guess that means Tabula Rasa was fairly good at creating realistic-looking humans. That’s what probably doomed it.

Reference pic is below. The resemblance creeps me out a little. Note: my co-worker does not wear power armor.

Things you don’t want to hear at the start of a tech support call

  • I pushed some buttons…
  • I’m not sure what happened but…
  • I don’t know anything about computers
  • I’d like to complain about…

Things you don’t want to hear during the call:

  • kids crying in the background
  • kids fighting in the background
  • kids playing in the background
  • kids
  • alarms going off (actual alarms, not the ones in your mind)
  • advice on how to insert hardware into an anatomically dubious location
  • someone eating nuts
  • dogs barking
  • a loud TV or music
  • especially country music

Also, you really don’t need to say how old you are. Really!

Like shrinking comics of yore, so goes Facebook

Back in the 1980s — you know, that decade that started over 30 years ago — Berke Breathed via Bloom County commented on how the comics section of newspapers was steadily shrinking. He didn’t mean fewer comics were being run. If anything, even more were being showcased. You can only prop up the section with Blondie and Beetle Bailey for so long. No, what he meant was the physical space being devoted to them was shrinking, resulting in strips that were smaller and more difficult to read. The logical conclusion he reached was that the comics section would eventually disappear into a black dot of illegibility.

As it turns out, newspapers will probably vanish before this can happen. Thank you, Internet, for helping save us from unnecessary eyestrain!

But wait, for as the Internet giveth, so does it taketh away.

As per usual Facebook has done another one of its seemingly arbitrarily updates to its site, making it ‘better’ in ways that may elude common folk. The biggest change is apparently the profile page. I check mine so infrequently I’m not sure exactly what is different except it has a strip of photos slapped along the top of it now. I do not understand the purpose or value of this. The other more noticeable change for me is a universal shrinkage of the font size. This doesn’t make the site more readable, it goes against the demographic trend of an aging population and it doesn’t really allow for more information to be displayed. It just makes all the text a bit smaller. I can easily simulate the old look reasonably enough by using the old CTRL-mousewheel trick so it doesn’t particularly affect me. Sometimes I wonder if Zuckerberg dictates these changes just because of the irresistible power to affect 500 million accounts all at once (quibble to journalists: Facebook has 500 million accounts, not 500 million users. I could go out and create 100 new accounts if I wanted to, each one setting the default size of the font to something different using the nigh-amazing CTRL-mousewheel trick). You may be thinking to yourself, “Is this just a real roundabout way of saying I’m getting old and I would prefer sites on the web to not shrink their fonts so my eyes don’t need to squint so much to keep reading them?” and my answer would be “No, haha, of course not!” Because the font is just too damn small for no good reason. And I went jogging last week, anyway. And I didn’t fall down and break my hip. So there.

Also while I’m here, the Royal Bank cartoon businessman mascot they use (I think his name is Arby — get it? LOL!!) is creepy as all get-out. Tip: You do not make your monolithic, billions-in-record-revenue-generating banking enterprise more cuddly and personable by creating a mascot in a BUSINESS SUIT. Especially one with no neck. Creepy.

My blog post, Volume 2 of 12: The Blog of Dreams

This post will be 10,000 pages long.

Fortunately, the pages have been shrunk through the science of something I just made up and they are now small enough to fit on the head of a pin, unlike the collected books comprising The Wheel of Time, for example, the weight of which could serve to batter down doors or stop a runaway cruise ship (like in Speed 2. I never really watched that movie but I did manage to catch the ending on TV once and I stood there staring at the screen, baffled and amazed at the sight of an actual runaway cruise ship. It was a definite ‘What were they thinking?’ moment. Good call by Keanu to bail on this sequel. That good call was subsequently offset by the many other terrible movies he went on to appear in, unfortunately, but a boy’s gotta eat).

I did not jog today due to spending a little more time with Tim getting and setting up his shiny new computer with patented* Harry Potter** interface, but I am rescheduling for tomorrow. Since it was also windy as all get-out today and I hate running in the wind (not to be confused with running like the wind) I am not too upset about putting it off for another day.

* it probably isn’t actually patented but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was
** seriously, the opening steps on initial startup that HP (Hewlett-Packard) forces the user to go through looks like some weird Harry Potter-esque thing with weird disembodied hands (Tim called them jazz hands)

This year is #11111!

Today is 1/11/11. It’s either the highest-scoring day ever or the lowest, depending on the scale you use.

Only 11 years, 1 month and 1 day until until 2/22/22 rolls around! (Did I do the math right? I hate math. Barbie was spot-on there. The old dumb Barbie, I mean, not the new computer scientist version that fools no one.)

In which every day has a post

One of my resolutions for 2011 is to write more and to that end I have declared January official Write At Least One Blog Entry Per Day month. This sometimes leads to what one might call filler posts.

Such as this one.

Oh, here’s something kind of weird. As of tonight the Vancouver Canucks are the top team in the NHL, with 55 points and a record of 28-8-5. They have the fewest losses of any team and are tied for the most wins with Pittsburgh and Detroit but have two games in hand on both teams. I’m not sure when the Canucks were last on top of the league in January but I’m thinking it was approximately never, so it’s nice to see now. Go Canucks and all that.

Maybe they just needed 40 years to warm up and become Stanley Cup champions!

Merry Christmas!

It could be better, it could be worse.

And holy tofu, I’ve only made one other post this month and it was about eating at McDonald’s.

I have failed as a blogger. I’m sorry, Internet, I promise to do better!

Oat fudge bar: the affair is over

When I changed my diet back in June 2008 I pretty much swore off sugar-filled snacks and since then have rarely indulged (the occasional strawberry cheesecake mini-Blizzard for example — mmm!) and when I do it’s usually with something unsexy like an apple or one of those Lindt 99% cocoa bars which, to the average person, tastes a lot like chalk with a vague notion of what they imagine to be chocolate added in somewhere.

My current workplace has a Starbucks on the ground floor of the tower. This is not surprising, as there will likely be a Starbucks in every building in every major city at some point. They have an oat fudge bar and from days of yore I remembered it as being quite yummy. When I espied several sitting on a plate in the glass display case, I felt a nostalgic yearning and ultimately caved in to the urge, buying one for the low price of $1.95 (HST not included).

I’m pretty sure the bar contained enough sugar to keep me on a sugar-filled bender for the rest of my shift, the evening and part of my shift the following day. To say the bar was sweet would be akin to noting that Jupiter is a big planet in comparison to Mercury. It was so sweet that it went from yummy straight over into gross. My nostalgic craving was cured, forever.

As I write this I am eating fat-free cottage cheese. Times — and taste buds — change.

Long time no see


I have been negligent in my bloggy ways and for that I aplogize to the person who accidentally entered the URL that brought them to my site.

I shall make another post immediately following this one to discuss nothing in particular!