A haiku to the heat

Today it got up to 30C or something. I was not expecting this.

Wear your shorts and tees
And seek shade under the trees
Pray for any breeze

Not great, but better than an AI could do, and I’m pretty sure I burned less energy coming up with it (especially brain energy).

(I do like the scandalous use of rhyming each line, though.)

I have nothing to say

I think my brain is temporarily broken. I’m in one of those weird phases where the more I try to think of something to blog about, the less I can think of anything to write.

I want to be more positive, and that narrows down possible topics because, let’s face it, complaining about stuff is easy and fun. Fun for a time, at least.

Instead, I’ll just post this haiku about not being able to write anything.

A haiku to an absence of words

I sit down to write
My brain shuts off at the thought
Words huddle inside

10 more posts to go

I fell way behind on my unofficial goal of 2 posts per day on the blog, and still have 10 more to go. Can I do it? Maybe. Should I? Maybe!

Here’s a haiku on perseverance I just made up:


You think and then do
You ponder what you have made
Do more anyway

Haiku to an empty mind

I’m having a challenging time coming up with blog topics today. I looked over my blog topic list and was left completely uninspired. So a haiku:

Haiku to an empty mind

I try to think thoughts
But my brain says uh uh, no
OK I'll just sleep

A haiku about the warmth of the sun

It was hot today. But if I had to choose between 40C and -40C, I’d go with 40C.

I mean, really, I’d choose something nice in-between, but if I had to pick because of an important movie plot or something, I’d go with the warmer. I dislike being cold.

Anyway, the haiku:

The warmth of the sun

Just like a beach boy
The warmth of the sun calls me
Rays of light and tan

Haiku to April showers, 2023 edition

April Showers

A refreshing rain
Everything is lush and green
You are getting soaked

And the ChatGPT version:

AI-pril Showers

Raindrops on petals
April showers bring new life
Spring's rebirth begins

One of us perhaps appreciates the rain more.

A haiku to Daylight Saving Time

I had no issue getting up this morning after the “spring forward” due to the switch to Daylight Saving Time. It’s one hour, I don’t get the big deal. People are weird. And I appreciate the extra hour of daylight in the evening, it feels welcoming and inviting. So here’s a haiku to the time switch.

Daylight Saving Time

Spring forward today
Body clock forced to adjust
But now run at night!

Although I’ve switched mostly to running in the morning, I like the option of being able to run in the evening, which has its own ambience and positives. And it’s just generally nice to have a stretch of daylight after dinner, it lets the day unwind more gradually, unlike winter where it’s pitch black at 6 p.m. and you feel weird going outside.

Anyway, that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. Next stop: Permanent Daylight Saving Time! (please)

I don’t know what to write, send help!

Actually, it’s probably more than I can’t focus long enough to sit down and write something. In any case, I intend to start cranking up the old writing machine in the next few days, seeing if I can hit a goal of an average of two posts per day for the month (62 total). As of right now, I am 10 posts behind. That’s a lot of McTopics. I need to get cracking.

Here’s a haiku to start. I even wrote it myself instead of outsourcing it to ChatGPT!

Time to Write

Time to get writing
Put fingers on the keyboard
Magic gushes out

Er, maybe I’ll try another haiku tomorrow.

The un-peace

cheerful young woman screaming into megaphone
Except less happy and more upstairs. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

I asked ChatGPT (now my best friend) to write a haiku about noisy neighbours upstairs, and it nailed it.

Early morning steps
Upstairs neighbour stomps around
Peaceful dreams now gone

I have nothing to add.