Why is there a bear in Hume Park?

I do not know, but these signs went up yesterday.

Also, this seems weirdly specific, like there’s one particular bear visiting.

Note: Hume Park is not really that big. It also has a giant Amazon warehouse nearby, as well as laser tag place. This bear has options.

The forest area is along a ravine, not very handy, even for a bear.

Caution: Sign ahead

I saw this sign in a washroom today and felt compelled to edit the text. I’d thought of doing this before, but today I did it.

It’s also possible that I already did it and forgot, too. Regardless, enjoy! And be careful out there.

Photo of the Day: My computer wallpaper

And it is an actual photo I took, of my left monitor with an appropriately fall-themed wallpaper.

Speaking of fall, tomorrow (Friday, October 21) is when fall may actually begin, weather-wise. Look:

What is “rain”?

The photo:

You can see the pixels! I kind of like the effect, actually.

AI interprets my fuzzy college ID photo from 1990

Using the tool found here (story on it from Engadget here), I input my blurry college ID photo from 1990 (we barely had color photos back then) and here’s a before and after shot. While it clearly has trouble with glasses, I think the AI made my lips look sexier than reality, so I can’t really complain about the results.

Before: Blurry. After: Come hither.

I like that it didn’t know what to do with some of the artifacts, so it enhanced those as well. This stuff is probably going to be freaky good in a few more years.